COVID-19 Crisis - Part 1
Part 1: How to Boost Your Immune System During the COVID-19 Crisis
Posted on April 08, 2020
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading, and a lot of people are worried about getting the virus and becoming ill, so they’ve been asking how to boost the immune system to stay healthy.
Since the virus began spreading, it has caused panic and fear, not just throughout the United States, but the world.
Here at Detox Organics, we believe one of the best ways to counteract these fears is with information.
The more you know, the better prepared you are to face this new challenge head-on, and with your health intact.
In this article, we are going to discuss COVID-19, what it is, and what you can do to help protect yourself by protecting your immune system.
During these times, we cannot let fear dictate our actions, and we must continue to focus on our health and our own personal progress.
Before we begin discussing things you can do to keep yourself healthy, let’s take a quick dive into COVID-19 to learn what it is and how you can help prevent the spread. We’ll also show you how to boost your own immunity so you can give your health a head start.
First, Let’s Break Down the COVID-19 Pandemic
The novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is an infectious disease that has spread around the world after first being identified in Wuhan, China, in late 2019.
It is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2, and is thought to be spread from animal to human.
The virus is closely related to a coronavirus strain that exists in bat and pangolin populations, and this is thought to be the source.
Today, the cause of transmission is from human to human, primarily through respiratory droplets expelled when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets then land on surfaces that can be touched by other people who then touch, thus transferring the virus from one person to another.
Symptoms of COVID-19
Over the past few months, governments and researchers around the world have been collecting data to understand the virus better.
Among this is understanding the symptoms and how people feel once they are infected.
One revelation that has come out of studying confirmed cases is that for most infected people, the symptoms are mild.
Some may even be asymptomatic, meaning they show no signs of being sick.
How sick someone gets may depend on their previous level of health before being infected, and their age.
The most severe cases occur in those with already weakened immune systems and those who are elderly.
While COVID-19 may be milder for most people, it becomes dangerous when it develops into more severe illnesses, such as pneumonia.
Here is a list of symptoms and the percentage of infected people who experience them:
Fever - 87.9%
Dry Cough - 67.7%
Sputum Production - 33.4%
Sputum Production - 33.4%
Shortness of Breath - 18.6%
Muscle/Joint Pain - 14.8%
Sore Throat - 13.9%
Headache - 13.6%
Chills - 11.4%
Nausea/Vomiting - 5%
Nasal Congestion - 4.8%
Diarrhea - 3.7%
Haemoptysis - 0.9%
Conjunctival Congestion - 0.8%
COVID-19 is transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets, so prevention is key to staying healthy and stopping the spread.
If you have paid any sort of attention to the news, or what health officials have to say, then you have surely heard these health precautions many times.
However, they are crucial to containing the spread and ensuring that your risk of getting sick is greatly reduced.
Here are some ways you can prevent the spread of the virus and help keep you and your family safe:
• Social Distancing - As much as most of us love being around people, for now, it is better to keep our distance from one another. You especially want to avoid people who are sick, whether they have been confirmed to have contracted the virus or not. Remember, many people who are infected show no signs of being ill. For now, let’s put a bit of space between us.
• Wash Your Hands - Hopefully, this is a practice you have already been doing, but it is good to be extra-vigilant. We touch more surfaces every day than we realize, and you never know when you may have touched something that has been contaminated. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap. If you are unable to and soap is not available, use hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
• Cough Etiquette - If some people with the virus are asymptomatic, you could be one of them and not even know it. If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth, ideally with the inside of your elbow or cloth. Try not to cough or sneeze into your hands; otherwise, you could contaminate the next thing you touch.
• If You Are Sick - Stay home and avoid contact with other people. Whether you think you have the virus or not, it is better to distance yourself. Even if your symptoms are mild, you could pass it on to someone else with a weaker immune system who may experience more severe symptoms that could be life-threatening.
• STAY HEALTHY - One of the best ways to combat being ill is by starting off strong and healthy. Do things now to support your health and boost your immune system. Don’t wait until you start feeling sick to pay attention to your health. Start by eating a diet that lowers inflammation and supports your body’s natural immunity.
The Role of Inflammation in COVID-19
Over the past few months, we have heard a lot about the Coronavirus.
We’ve learned what it is and prevention techniques we can use to help slow the spread.
One thing that you may not have heard too much about is the role of inflammation in COVID-19.
When someone becomes infected with the Coronavirus, it travels to the back of the nasal passages, to the back of your throat, and down the airways to the lungs.
Once in the lungs, it can cause the lungs to become inflamed.
This inflammation can make the development of more severe symptoms more likely, and even increase the risk of pneumonia.
This inflammation can then spread through the body and affect other organs.
Ideally, we want to prevent inflammation, and the less inflammation your body has to deal with, the better off you are.
Even if you are not sick, you should be looking for ways to lower inflammation in your body and boost your immune system.
The best way to do this is through diet.
By eating the right foods, you can help protect your body by ensuring that you are already healthy.
If you are someone that already eats clean and takes care of your health, then you are in the best position to fight back against COVID-19.
Your Health Now, Should Be Your Focus
As the virus spreads, most people are worried about getting sick, and we have seen so many people stop paying attention to their health now.
Your health right now matters, and immunity should be one of the things you are focusing on the most.
Right now, you should be taking preventative measures to distance yourself and keep your area disinfected, but you should also be focusing on keeping yourself in optimal health.
This means you need to eat clean and stay active.
Let’s discuss some things you should be doing right now to ensure your body is in optimal health.
Increasing Your Vitamin C Intake
First, we want to mention that currently, there is no known cure for COVID-19. While we believe in holistic natural approaches to healing, right now the Corona Virus is simply too new to justify any holistic cures once you contract the virus.
Taking vitamin C does not cure you if you contract the virus, nor does it make you immune to it. But we suggest increasing your daily dosage.
Here’s the truth…
The direct impact that vitamin C has on COVID-19 is still being tested, however, large amounts of Vitamin C have shown to be effective for some people.
Vitamin C will help to support your natural immune system, and this could help keep you healthy or reduce the severity of the illness if you were to contract it.
Remember, the current data that has been collected shows that your current health and the strength of your immune system plays a large role in the severity of COVID-19.
Your immune system could be the difference between showing no symptoms, mild symptoms, or the development of pneumonia.
So, should you take Vitamin C?
The answer is yes.
It is beneficial to your health to add vitamin C to your daily supplements, just don’t expect it to be the miracle cure to the Coronavirus.
How Vitamin C Improves Health and Boosts Your Immune System
The recommended daily allowance for Vitamin C in adults is 95 mg, with the safe upper limit being 2,000. We suggest being at the upper limit, especially right now.
Most of us do not reach the recommended amount through our diet; and so it’s important to supplement with Vitamin C.
If you are not eating enough fruits and vegetables and not eating clean, there is less of a chance you aren’t getting enough vitamin C, and this could have an effect on your immune system.
And, even if you are getting the recommended amount of vitamin C, you can safely support your immune system by upping the dose up to 2,000 mg a day.
What Does Science Say About Vitamin C?
According to research, vitamin C has long been known to support our immune system by supporting cell functions of the immune system.This helps your body fight off infection and illness.
When you are deficient in vitamin C, your immune system is compromised, and you become more susceptible to infections.
This is one reason why people who have a lowered immune system or have auto-immune diseases are considered to be more at risk of getting Coronavirus and developing severe symptoms.
While there is currently no cure for the Coronavirus, research shows that vitamin C has been beneficial in preventing and helping to treat respiratory and systemic infections in the past.
While not yet approved by the FDA, vitamin C has been shown to be a great defense for cancer patients, according to the National Cancer Institute.
As with the Coronavirus, vitamin C will not cure cancer, but it can support the body’s immune system and improve a patient’s quality of life.
Cancer patients are given a high dose of vitamin C, either by mouth or through IV.
This shows the power that vitamin C has in the ability to support the body’s immune system.
Studies have also found that for the common cold, taking 200 mg of vitamin C could reduce the severity and length of illness by 8%.
While increased vitamin C doses are great for additional immune support, high doses should not be taken by those who have a history of kidney disease, the disorder G6PD, or those with hemochromatosis.
If you are currently undergoing cancer treatment, talk to your doctor before upping your vitamin C dose, as it can interfere with some anticancer drugs.
How Much Vitamin C Should You Take
There has been a lot of debate online as to how much vitamin C you should take to boost your immune system.
While it is unlikely that you will consume a fatal amount of vitamin C, too much vitamin C over a period of time can cause diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, abdominal cramps, headache, and insomnia.
For an adult, you can take an upward of 2,000 mg of vitamin C a day to support your immune system and could place you in better health.
This may be able to impact the severity of COVID-19.
The source you get your vitamin C also matters.
Recently, the number of orange juice sales have spiked by 20%.
This is probably because orange juice is known for its content of vitamin C; however, is this the best source for you to get the additional vitamin C you need?The problem with orange juice is that it is full of sugar, and unless you are drinking organic, the orange juice has been processed after the orange has been picked, and those oranges have been sprayed with countless pesticides.
Once the orange has been processed, you lose bioavailability and nutrient density.
This means, your orange juice may not be providing your body with the vitamins and nutrients you think it is.
The best way to increase your vitamin C intake is through supplementation.
Michael and his family use Dynamic Health’s 1000 mg vitamin C supplement, once or twice a day.
This is not a product that Detox Organics is affiliated with, nor do we make any money from promoting it.
We simply think it is the best out there, and want to share it with you. You get all the vitamin C without any of the sugar.
Take a look at the video below, where Michael describes why he prefers supplementation to orange juice.
When it comes to the food you are putting in your body, be sure you are consuming the best.
This means you want food that is all-natural and hasn’t been processed, like the foods found in Detox Organics Daily Superfoods.
Always look for alternatives to the unhealthy food you put in your body.
Get rid of the energy drinks and the processed foods. Fuel your body with foods that will give you natural energy and boost your immunity.
The weaker your immune system is, the more susceptible you are to viruses, including COVID-19.
Your goal right now is to boost your immune system and stay focused on your health.
We Take Your Health Seriously, and So Should You
Here at Detox Organics, your health is our number one priority.
During these uncertain times, we aim to provide you with information you can use to give your health a boost and hopefully give you a sense of calm in these uncertain times.
We understand that there is a lot of information that you are consuming, and we aim to help you navigate it.
We believe that staying informed is important.We sense the fear that many of our followers have, and through education, we hope to bring you a sense of certainty and calmness.
Are you ready to learn more about what you can do to stay healthy during the Coronavirus pandemic
Take a look at part 2 of our COVID-19 series where you’ll learn some immune boosting tips to stay well during even the most trying times.