Everyday Pollutions You Are Breathing In

Everyday Pollutions You Are Breathing In

Every day we do what we can to make sure that we are living a healthy lifestyle and to do that we eat the right food and do the right exercises. We are in control of almost everything we put in our body or how we promote our general well being.

Unfortunately, there are things that we don’t have direct control over ourselves, and one of those things is the air that we breathe. Over the years, air pollution has had a growing concern, and rightfully so.

There are so many particles and pollutants that are added to the air that we breathe that it has become a major concern.

Yes, we can make conscious decisions that are environmentally friendly, but the fact is that there are pollutions in the air that we are breathing in, no matter what efforts we may attempt at creating a clean and healthy life.

Air pollution has been linked as a contributor to numerous diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and respiratory issues.

What we can do help our body get rid of some of these harmful pollutants, so they don’t stay and accumulate in our body. We can do this by detoxing our body every day.

When we talk about detoxing, we don’t mean that we need to jump on the latest detoxing bandwagon and stock up on the latest detoxing tea.

But, rather consuming specific foods every day, or in supplement form, such as Detox Organics, and integrate it into our daily life. Detoxing is part of your lifestyle, not something you do for a few days and stop.

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When it comes to air pollution, here are the most concerning pollutants we are breathing in every day:

Carbon Monoxide 

This pollutant is found all over the place and could be coming directly from things within your home. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and poisonous gas.

Carbon Monoxide comes from a variety of sources, including gas stoves, automobile exhaust, tobacco smoke, boilers and furnaces, and gasoline powered equipment.

Breathing in this pollutant can have many different effects on your body. It can cause fatigue, reduce brain function, impair vision, dizziness, headaches, nausea, confusion, and it can even be fatal at high levels.


Lead is a concerning air pollutant that varies from one area to another, as it is caused by waste incinerators, utilities, and lead-acid battery manufacturers. It used to be found in leaded gasoline and emitted into the air.

Since regulations have been put in place removing the lead from gasoline, lead levels in the air have reduced by 98%. However, some lead still exists and, as mentioned, some areas may contain higher levels of lead than others.

When breathed in, lead can have devastating effects on our health, including negative effects on our nervous system, kidney function, immune system, reproduction and development, and the cardiovascular system.

When lead is taken into our lungs, it is distributed throughout our body where it remains and settles into our bones.

Ozone Pollution 

We’ve all heard the term ozone, but how many of us actually know what it is? Ozone is a gas comprised of three oxygen atoms (O3) and is found in the upper atmosphere of the planet where it forms a protective layer around the Earth, shielding us from ultraviolet rays.

However, it is also found at the ground level, and this is where is causes problems and is created by chemical reactions.

Ozone pollution comes from automobiles, power plants, industrial boilers, chemical plants, and refineries. The harmful effects of ozone increase the hotter it is, meaning that it is most harmful on hot, sunny days.

When you breathe in ozone, it can cause many different health issues, including chest pain, coughing, throat irritation, and airway inflammation.

Particulate Matter 

This mixture of pollutants, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, and liquid droplets can be harmful when breathed in. These particles come from numerous places. They are a result of construction sites, automobiles, fires, dirt, and power plants.

It can be harmful to your heart and lungs, causing serious health effects when breathed in. When you breathe these particles in, they enter into your lungs, and some are small enough to even enter into your bloodstream.

Sulfur Dioxide 

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is one of the most concerning pollutants that we breathe and is rising, having a negative effect on both our health and the environment. It is mainly a byproduct of power plants and the burning of fossil fuels.

When we breathe in SO2, it can impact the health of our lungs, causing coughing, difficulty breathing, and tightness in the chest. This pollutant is a large contributor to particulate matter and has been known to be a contributor to acid rain.

What Can I Do About These Toxins?

While there isn’t a whole lot you can do about the toxins in the air at the moment, there are things you can do to help lessen the effects they can have on your body. Helping your body clear out these toxins is one way, and you can do that by incorporating Detox Organics into your life.

This will help improve your body’s ability to remove harmful substances from it by helping it run at optimum levels.

Click here for the Detox Organics ingredient list.

You can also invest in a quality air purifier to help remove some of these toxins from within your home. While this may not completely clean the hair, it may reduce the pollutants that you are inhaling on a daily basis.



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