

6 Amazing Benefits of Alfalfa

Posted on July 14th, 2020

Alfalfa grass is a massively underrated superfood that we could all benefit from. It’s easy to add to your diet, it packs more of a nutritional punch than traditional green superfoods like wheatgrass, and it has been linked with a host of amazing health benefits.


We were so impressed with alfalfa that we added the highest quality organic variety to our Detox Organics superfood powder (buy here to get your first tub at a discounted price). We realized that it possessed a wealth of amazing properties and in this guide we’ll look at all the research we uncovered and the things we learned when arriving at this decision.

1. It's Packed with Nutrients

Alfalfa is packed with vitamins K and C and it also contains a full spectrum of B vitamins, as well as minerals like iron, magnesium, copper and manganese. It’s a multivitamin in plant form, and a little alfalfa grass ever now and then could be the perfect way to top-up your recommend daily intake of key minerals and vitamins.


It’s also low in calories and high in fiber, a lack of which has been linked with an array of chronic diseases, including heart disease, bowel cancer, and more. Americans are severely lacking in fiber and alfalfa grass supplementation could be a great way to change that.

2. It Contains a Number of Antioxidants

Alfalfa grass is loaded with phytochemicals that can support bodily processes, while greatly reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cancer. (1) These wonderful compounds not only help to maintain optimal gut health and blood health, but they also fight oxidation, thus improving cell health and keeping the body in an optimum condition for as long as possible.


A diet rich in organic, natural foods like alfalfa can increase your lifespan and ensure you are healthy well into your twilight years.

3. It Could Help to Treat Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious and life threatening disease that kills thousands of Americans every year and is one of the biggest killers in the country. Some forms of this disease are inescapable and can only be remedied with insulin injections, but for milder forms supplementation with alfalfa, in addition to a healthy, balanced diet, could help.


Alfalfa has been used for centuries for this very reason, and there have also been a number of animal studies to back up these claims. (2) We don’t know for certain if these effects translate into humans, but early signs are positive.

4. It Can Improve Blood and Heart Health

Alfalfa is loaded with vitamin K, which can improve heart and blood health. It could help to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood while increasing levels of good cholesterol. For this very reason it’s not recommend for people taking blood thinning medication, as it may thin the blood naturally and lead to complications.


This should only really be a concern if large quantities are consumed, but if you have a preexisting heart or blood disorder we would recommend consulting with your physician just to be sure. They may tell you that it’s okay, they may advise that you stick to small doses, and they may ask to monitor the situation. In any case, it’s best to err on the side of caution and it’s unlikely that they will tell you to avoid it completely.

5. It Can Flush Excess Water out of the Body

Alfalfa acts as a mild diuretic, which means it helps to flush excess water out of the body, helping your liver and kidneys to do their job. When consumed with plenty of water, this can go a long way to keeping you healthy. It can also help to reduce water retention, which can result from excess sodium intake and certain medications.

6. It Reduces Inflammation

The antioxidants in alfalfa can reduce inflammation, which is a known contributor for countless human diseases. Chronic inflammation can cause most forms of cancer, and acute inflammation can cause everything from severe joint pain to an upset digestive system and more. By consuming foods that keep inflammation to a minimum you can significantly improve both your short-term and long-term health, potentially adding years to your life.

Is Alfalfa Good for you?

Alfalfa is very good for you and, as discussed above, can provide you with an array of health benefits. It’s also widely tolerated, and even in larger doses it should not produce any side effects.


However, as is the case with all plants, it’s best to consume small amounts, as large amounts will provide you with a mega dose of nutrients—many of which will be flushed out of your system anyway—and could also cause problems if you have a preexisting health condition. Small doses consumed frequently as part of a balanced diet are best, which is why we focused on adding moderate amounts of many different superfoods to our Detox Organics formula, rather than loading-up on single substances.

How to Take Alfalfa

If you want to experience these health benefits for yourself then you need to get some quality alfalfa. The problem with this is that a lot of the alfalfa you find in health food stores is highly processed. Not only have many of the beneficial nutrients been stripped from the plant, but it may also contain pesticides or preservatives.


That’s why we recommend sticking with an organic product that has been carefully dried, ensuring optimal nutrient levels. Alfalfa, like any superfood, is at its most beneficial when consumed as part of a well balanced diet, and preferably alongside other superfoods.


That’s why we included it in our daily detox drink. With Detox Organics not only are you getting a healthy dose of organic alfalfa, but you’re also getting nearly 2 dozen other superfoods, including the potent turmeric and the amazing broccoli.

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