Detoxification is an extremely vital process that is constantly happening in the body. Through this metabolic process, toxins are converted into more easily excreted substances and removed from the body. Detox is primarily carried out by our liver and kidneys; however, our colon, urinary tract, and skin are also considered detoxification organs as they work to eliminate toxins from the body.
Unfortunately, in our modern world, we are constantly being exposed to toxins. The list is extensive, but not limited to: pathogens, mold, heavy metals, pesticides, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.
Our detoxification organs are truly spectacular, but these days, we have to consider that they are working harder than ever to keep us healthy! This is why periodically following a detox protocol can be extremely beneficial. It is basically changing your body’s filters, just as you would for your car.
Detoxification generally consists of dietary changes, supplementation, and fostering a new mindset about health. This process helps to invigorate your body by supporting elimination and the ability to absorb nutrients and maintain overall health!